Space Designer

  1. Bloc a Bloc
  2. Zara Flair
  3. Wooden Chair
  4. Gabriel for sach
  5. Casa Mathilde
  6. 7th Heaven
  7. Studio 16C
Paris, France

©2024 Mag-Ex

For the first time, the Degree Show is moving to an external space, a large industrial warehouse in the Sant Martí neighborhood, promoting Elisava's Distributed School project. In this edition, the projects have been organized according to the thematic areas of the Elisava Portfolio, which integrate cross-cutting issues of design and engineering as a means of researching and generating knowledge.

The graphic identity, exhibition design, spatial interaction, and lighting have been fully developed by a multidisciplinary team of third-year students from the Bachelor's Degree in Design. In addition, students from the Graphic Design Specialization have created the bespoke typeface "Me fecit" based on the banner created by Elisava, a pioneering Catalan artist (c.1100 - c.1122).

Under the motto 'Bloc a Bloc,' they propose showcasing the final step of Elisava's undergraduate students, their Bachelor's Degree Final Project. To compose the exhibition design, 6,000 cement blocks will be used, which fourth-year students will utilize to construct their spaces, divided into the aforementioned nine areas. Additionally, the Master's Degree in Design and Communication at Elisava has composed a soundtrack specifically for the Degree Show.

A project for ELISAVA